We designed, built and provide asset management service to 25 schools under TERANG Project (MCA-I and Hivos). The system consists of main system with capacity range 1-1.5 kWh and charging stations, including appliances such as solar lanterns, television and phone chargers.


We developed, installed and provide asset management service to 30 energy kiosks under TERANG Project (MCA-I and Hivos). The system consists of main system with capacity of 400 Wp and charging stations, including appliances such as solar lanterns, television and phone chargers.


We developed, installed and provide asset management service to 40 corn mills and 10 rice hulls under TERANG Project (MCA-I and Hivos). The capacity of the main system is 250 Wp.


Pay over time for your recharge, through mobile money or your local agent.

Peer2Peer Appliance model

Fringe of grid communities

Reach  5.079  Households
>8000 Lanterns distributed
34 Schools electrified
2.700 Paygo system added
45 Energy kiosks
50 Agro processing mills installed
60,68 kWp Capacity added
12.000/year  tonnes of CO2 avoided